First Nation

First nation


The relationship between first nation in Canada and Canadian government is always complicated and important. As an international student, I am not familiar with the first nation in Canada. I try to gather all the information I get and generate my own opinion to this problem. The First Nations are the various aboriginal people in Canada. There are currently over 630 recognized First nation governments or brands  spread across Canada, roughly half of which are in the provinces of Ontario and British Columbia. The total population is nearly 700,000 people.


I find out that the Canadian government pay a lot of attention on this issue and publish some laws to “protect” the aboriginal people in Canada. It seems like that government offers aboriginal people some priority to live but it is actually the specialization. Government actually controls the almost aboriginal people’s life, like resources and land. The Indian Act also aimed to reduce the aboriginal people, but because they get some privilege like the tax exemption, some of them don’t want to lose the Indian status.


Many aboriginal people have two contradictory opinions about the Indian Act. They dislike that they’ve been controlled and specialization. But they may not choose to give up their status’s protections.




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