Pernille Fjeld-Hansen

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In 2011, Hewlett-Packard announced that Meg Whitman would be the company’s new CEO, the fourth in only six years. This turnover has affected the company’s consistency and performance and has led to costumers, employees and investors to question Hewlett-Packard’s viability and proliferation. William Hewlett and David Packard’s company soon became famous for their products, but […]

Lululemon Recalls Yoga Pants

In the past five years, Lululemon has tripled its annual revenue and expanded from 70 stores to 200 stores due to its popularity in North America. However, the colourful, stretchy and form-fitting pants tend to be inadvertently see-though and Lululemon has had to recall some of its products. Who to blame? This spring, 17 % […]

Spotify challenges iTunes

Spotify is an award-winning digital music service, already used and loved by millions of Europeans, that is expected to compete with ITunes, offering costumers free access to approximately 15 million songs. The biggest difference is, that by using Spotify, consumers are leasing the right to listen to music, while on iTunes, consumers own the right […]

Coca-Cola Offensive Campaign

As I read through my classmate’s blogs, I came across a blogpost Yssa Romero wrote about Coca-Cola’s new campaign, taken from this article. This really caught my eye, and I have to say I was surprised Coca-Cola, one of the world’s biggest companies, could run this kind of campaign.   As a promotional strategy, Coca-Cola released […]

The real price

People love shopping everything from clothes to groceries at the lowest price possible. Chains like Walmart and H&M are some the most successful, but what is the real price of having such low-price chains? Allison Bullen talks about the ethical problem Walmart had where many Walmart employees in the States stepped forward saying they were being […]

Does it matter if you boss is a man or a woman?

According to this article people still like working for a man. A survey of 2,059 adults found that both men and women would prefer to work for a male boss. Though 41% of respondents said they had no preference, 35% said that, if given the choice, they would choose a male boss over a female boss. Twenty-three […]

AT&T, 9/11 ad

Link to article: AT&T, it’s too soon for a 9/11- themed ad In memory of 9/11, AT&T posted an ad on the 12th anniversary of the attack. Even though the purpose of the as was to pay respect to the ones affected by the tragedy, the ad shows a smartphone held against the New York […]


Link to article: Dreamliner Today, Japan Airlines signed a historic contract with Airbus, the rival of their current aircraft manufacture Boeing. The order is for the purchase of 31 aircrafts of type A350 at a price of $ 9,5 billion dollars including 25 long-distance aircrafts to replace its aging Boeing 777 from 2020. This is the […]

BlackBerry Lawsuit

Link to article: Blackberry A BlackBerry shareholder has filed a lawsuit against the struggling handset maker and two of its executives. The company is accused of releasing misleading information about the financial health and sales-prospects of the BlackBerry 10. According to the plaintiff , BlackBerry told  the investors that the smartphone BlackBerry 10 had been […]

Technological strides, smart business or a security nightmare?

Link to article Comfort Care Services thought it had made great technological strides by issuing laptops to about 200 of its mobile workers last year. The firm which provides housing and rehabilitation services for adults with mental illness and other special needs, thought it would improve the efficiency of their employees. Some employees didn’t want to […]

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