Lululemon Recalls Yoga Pants

by admin

In the past five years, Lululemon has tripled its annual revenue and expanded from 70 stores to 200 stores due to its popularity in North America. However, the colourful, stretchy and form-fitting pants tend to be inadvertently see-though and Lululemon has had to recall some of its products.

Who to blame?

This spring, 17 % of the black yoga pants were recalled and the company says the problem is the fabric used and blames the gaffe on its Taiwanese supplier. The shipments to Lululemon go through a certification process, which Lululemon has approved, and so the blame is thrown back and forth.

Not the first time

This is not the first product glitch made by Lululemon. New York Times investigated in 2007 the Vitasea line of seaweed fabric that claims to add marine amine acids, minerals and vitamins to the skin, and found that that the fabric did not contain any of the health claims at all. Ultimately, Lululemon is responsible for the standard of their products and with this news, they are not doing their research.

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