Belo Sun Mining Corp. Turn Cold Shoulder to Health of Brazil Locals

In a mine located on the Xingu River in the Amazon, “Belo Sun’s assessment mentioned mineral resources of 37.8 million tonnes at the mine. The company’s website now reports 88.1 million tonnes,” which results to double the size of the project and very good news to shareholders. However expansion could lead to environmentally unfriendly consequences; larger waste dumps as well as larger quantities of dangerous minerals such as arsenic, lead, and cyanide would be a result of the mining. Two Indian communities along the Xingu River are in probability of danger, however more research is needed. If they were an ethically just business, they should post pone the expansion of the gold mine to find definite results as to what the probable effect of expansion would have on the locals, and loose time and money to most likely find less than wanted results. Unfortunately, I believe that the only aspect of the scenario in which would make them now choose the ethical route would be the publicity that now surrounds it. Sad, but logical. If they truly cared about the locals they would have done the proper research before planning for the expansion in the first place. 

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