While I was searching online for external bloggers, I drew inspiration from Tangoo whose CEO came to speak at my COMM 101 lecture today. Browsing through their official blog, I came across a post from their current Community Manager Sarah Tang, who described her process of choosing to work at Tangoo instead of Google. Her reasoning behind choosing a risky start-up over a highly sought-after job at Google made me reflect on what I truly want out of business.
When the alumni’s came to speak at our COMM 101 class, I found one common ground between all of the speakers—aside from the fact that they graduated from Sauder. They were each doing what they loved. Utilizing the tools they developed and refined throughout their time at UBC, they made difficult and risky decisions—some turning down offers at established firms—in order to follow their passion. Although this is simply not the case for every graduate, I believe this sort of risk-taking is encouraged by Sauder.
In COMM 101, we have gone through many fundamental topics of the business world, but in my opinion, if there’s been one message that the professors wanted to convey to us first-years, it is: Discover what’s right for you. Although it sounds grotesquely clique, by allowing us to get a glimpse into a variety of specialties like accounting and marketing, I believe this message has always been intrinsic in each of the topics we have learned so far.