Is Northern Gateway pipeline should be built? (Warm Up Assignment Q1)

First of all, building Northern Gateway pipeline will lose existing jobs. Asian countries, especially China, pay a little bit more for crude oil. Because the pipeline can reduce the Asian premium, everyone else buy oil from Alberta will pay more for the oil. A large amount of oil is exported and the there are less oil for sell in Canada. That makes oil in Canada becomes nore expensive, Canadian consumers will pay more while companies will pay more for energy. So the product cost of refinement will rise too. Once the Northern Gateway pipeline is built, the activity and capacity for North American market including Canadian refineries will reduce 5% in the first few years and it will get worse over time. 8000 Canadians will lose their jobs and the Canadian GDP will reduce 750 million dollars.

Besides, if Canadian companies can refine crude bitumen instead of export crude bitumen directly, they can earn more. In fact, because of the high price of oil, many Canadian refinery companies have to shut down. Canada has to export crude bitumen with lower price and other countries will refine them and then sell them back to Canada with higher price. If Canadian companies refine bitumen themselves, the price of bitumen will be lower and there will be more jobs created in Canada.

So, if the Northern Gateway pipeline is built, totally, more jobs will be lost. Once the Northern Gateway pipeline is built, because of the reduction of activity and capacity of Canadian industry and Asian premium, the price of oil will rise.

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