In Kawasaki’s blog on The Art of Evangelism, he expresses the art of advertising through his previous experiences as an Apple marketer and elucidates the proper steps to successfully pitch a product, or in his words, evangelize.
Reading this blog post reminded me of the extensive topics we covered in COMM 101 and this post weaved in those elements perfectly. It effectively touched on how the fundamental topics taught in class were interlinked and directly correlated in the real business world.
Kawasaki presents in his post, 10 steps to successfully ‘evangelize’ a product or service. There were 2 steps that I thought were prominent in all aspects of business.
The first one was called: Position it as a “cause”. Briefly, this step stresses the significance of expounding not just the functionality of the product, but how it enhances one’s life. This step is directly ties into class 8: Value Propositions. During the lecture, we discussed the ‘job to be done’ for the consumer and the importance of how the product alleviates or eliminates pain. I found the blog post and the class to complement each other well, with one teaching us the fundamental tools and knowledge, and the other applying the concept in the real world.
The second one was called: Never lie. This step urges not to indulge in deceit, as it proves detrimental and often requires the salesperson to expend more energy to cover his fabrication with more lies. This directly ties in with class 3: Business Ethics. In class, we discussed the repercussions of deception, mainly in the realm of accounting. It’s intriguing to see how the consequences of dishonesty both apply in marketing and accounting and how the penalty of falsehood differs in each sector.
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