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Marketing Ourselves

Although I had no knowledge of the fundamentals of marketing before taking this course, I have encountered marketing for so many time in my life. What I am referring to is the tiny little things we do everyday. For example, when we want something that is a “No” answer from our parents, we will debate with them to try to let them buy our idea. In the process of convincing them, we use different strategies. Babies/kids cry when they are not satisfied; teenagers debate/argue when their wish is rejected. Similar situations are so easy to find. What I am trying to say here is that marketing should not be a very abstract idea but rather a concept that can be easily applied in life.

I actually think all undergrad students should take some different kinds of marketing classes, for the following reasons:

After we graduate from universities, most of us will be entering the work force, which means we need to be able to sell ourselves to potential employers. I believe there are millions of students graduating every year, making the market increasingly competitive. The sustainable competitive advantage one possesses can make a huge difference during the application process. Therefore, we need to learn to brand ourselves to be outstanding.

After the first 2 weeks of school, I find marketing quite interesting. The first lecture we had about the Olympics really did leave me a great impression, especially because my memory of other classes’ first lectures aren’t that clear.

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