A good advertisement


Of course, Monster beverage is not a new thing to me. However, I have never thought of the story behind that little can of energy drink because it seems so normal to see this as a daily basis. How can a company give customers such an impression? Marketing is definitely the answer! They are the ones who need to work really hard on building an appropriate image for the product. How to make the product becomes part of a daily life? How to attract new customers and keep the old ones? How to win the competitors? In my opinion, a successful advertisement is not only about creating a sensation, but also making people feel comfortable with the product and willing to purchase the product as a daily basis while no other brands can make any influence on how people think of the product. Without a right customer segment, this will never work out.



Blog Assignment #1: Ethics

Apple Investigating Worker-Abuse Charges at “iPhone C” Supplier

According to Bruce Weinstein, an American ethics consultant, people should “do no harm, make things better, respect others, be fair, and be loving” when they are making a business decision. However, reality is not always as ideal as how people want it to be. Apple supplier Jabil Circuit uses cheap labors in China. It failed to provide a comfortable working area for the employees and refused the need of overtime pay.

It can certainly boost the profit by taking away the overtime pay that the cheap labors deserved. However, that money cannot bring back the good reputation for the company when this labor violation is known by the public. The scandal has definitely bring a bad reputation to Apple as well. Some of the Apple users may turn to Samsung, Apple’s major competitor, as being an ethical person.

Thanks to marketing, Apple do not seem to have a big setback yet. However, when a company is earning so much money every year, is it so hard to be more caring about the employees, especially when most of them are less-educated or disabled and can hardly find another job?


Paczkowski, John. “Apple Investigating Worker-Abuse Charges at “iPhone C” Supplier.” Web log post. AllThingsD. N.p., 5 Sept. 2013. Web. 12 Sept. 2013.

Schachter, Harvey. “Getting down to Basics: The Business of Acting Ethically.” Web log post. The Globe and Mail. N.p., 22 Feb. 2012. Web. 12 Sept. 2013.