RIM’s Second Quarter Failures

RIM reports a loss of nearly a billion dollars for its second quarter.  Due to this not quite so unexpected blow, the company is expected to lay off 4,500 workers, a number that makes up 40% of its current staff.

The company’s lack of success is mostly credited to the disappointing sales of its newest contribution to the smartphone market, the BlackBerry Z10.  The phone came into the market a few weeks after its Apple and Samsung competitors, which put it at a significant disadvantage after so many patrons pledged their loyalties to the rival brands.

This is far from the first time RIM has been late to the party.  When the iPad ushered in the tablet craze, RIM’s playbook came several months later and had to compete with Samsung’s Galaxy tab as well.

This begs the question, what exactly does the Blackberry bring to the table?  What exactly sets it apart from iPhones and Samsung tablet-phones?  Without the advantage of business oriented BBM, is there anything left for the BlackBerry to offer its clientele?


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