ETEC 540 Text Technologies

The Changing Spaces of Reading and Writing

Final Project

The History of English and Chinese Punctuation Marks English and Chinese languages are different in many ways, but interestingly, they…

Task 10

Attention Economy  Awesome? Really 😉 I had expected this online game User Inyerface (by the Belgium interaction design studio Bagaar) to be…

Task 8

Golden Record Curation  My Pick My Reasons I have chosen these ten tracks out of the 27 tracks (m1lkm4n, 2020)…

Task 7

Mode-bending What is in my bag? Again! I hope you have enjoyed watching this short video in which a combination…

Task 6

An Emoji Story Can you guess what this is? Interestingly, when I listened to the interview with Gretchen McColloch, she…

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