
What is a portfolio and why make a portfolio? 
More information on portfolios at UBC can be found here:

How do I make a portfolio?
Students can create their portfolios on WordPress with a UBC blogs web address (  Each student is responsible for creating, designing and maintaining their own WordPress portfolio. One of the course TAs will guide you in setting up your portfolio in the first weeks of the course. For more instructions visit the homepage for your course. Click Getting Started for detailed instructions, or check out an Example Portfolio to see what you can achieve with WordPress!

You can also make a portfolio on with a free account. Unlike UBC Blogs, allows you to build portfolio projects (these are different from posts and pages). This link shows how to enable the portfolio content type.

These are some WP themes that have some special features for portfolio content type.

How will my portfolio be assessed?
You will be graded on the content of the post you make. You will not be graded on the overall layout of the portfolio website. However, we recommend focusing on a WordPress theme that can appeal to a potential employer as well as reflect your own distinct voice.

How can I describe what I learned in this course for my portfolio and for job applications?
Your portfolio posts provide tangible, presentation-ready evidence of the skills you learn at UBC. Read these tips from Student Services to learn more ways of presenting your learning.