Cultural Jam Assignment (2016)

Date: June 23 2016

8770960_f520(Original Image)

The picture above is a burger king ad. The first thing that came to my mind was shock that such an ad could even be approved and released in the first place.

It would have been enough to have a picture of the burger with the header ‘It’ll blow your mind away’ but, on top of that, to have a picture of a woman with her mouth open and place the burger in such a suggestive manner with the word ‘blow’ right below it was very unnecessary. This is your age-old example of an ad that is heavily sexist and is very clearly objectifying woman.

Yes sex sells. We all know that. But Burger King has, in my opinion, crossed the line here. Seeing such an ad would make me far less likely to want to buy their products.

Upon further research I discovered that the model used for this advertisement actually filed a complaint against the ad and said that it was made without her knowledge or consent. She said she was asked to do various types of facial expressions and did not know this would be the result.

She even made a YouTube video about it in which she said that ‘Burger King raped my face’ and ‘Is this an ad for blow jobs or fast food?’*

GRSJ 300 Culture Jam Assignment Picture
(Jammed Ad)

In order to show the absurdity of this ad, I took away the information below the ad about the burger and instead added the tagline ‘We wish our products were good enough to sell without the need to be sexist and disgusting and rude. But they’re not.’

This tagline is pretty self explanatory but essentially what I am trying to get at here is showing how off topic burger king has gone by trying to bring a sexual side to this ad. At the end of the day, this ad should be about fast food, not sex. The fact that they need to bring a sexual connotation to sell their products shows that their actual products are not that desirable since they need to go to such low levels to be able to sell them.

Nowadays we have become so accustomed to seeing ads where woman are objectified to the point where many people are actually desensitized to such images. Hopefully this addition in red will help the viewer of this ad almost wake up and become sensitive to such content again.

More over I crossed out the ‘mind’ and changed it to ‘health’ so now the sign reads ‘It’ll blow your health away.’ This was so emphasize that while the burger may taste good, Burger King products are far from good for your health.

*Article referenced: