• “My e-portfolio will help me manage change. Changes are happening quickly. I will be able to reflect on the transitions.” Learning Technology Professional Staff
• “Reflection was not embraced until we re-branded it as information processing. We learned this from the 1st year of the pilot; Science students don’t understand the concept of reflection. Information processing exercises helped lessen the amount of study-time; students realized that this process helped them learn the course content.” e-Portfolio Project lead
• “The main thing that has worked is that people are using it. A technology is successful if people don’t have to be coerced into using it, if once they are introduced to it, they are motivated to explore it on their own and even take it into new, emergent forms. And indeed, I have seen people using e-portfolios in any number of ways to solve any number of problems. In the projects I’ve been involved with, many people have been excited to go off and start their own e-portfolio. Not everyone is sold, but for those who are, the e-portfolio is an important and stimulating component of their learning.” Graduate student who supported pilot projects
• “My e-portfolio allowed me to put that extra information that you can’t share with your potential employer during the very first impression. They’re still going to look at your resume, but if they have further questions, they can always look at your e-portfolio. My e-portfolio serves as a vehicle to demonstrate my skills and knowledge.” Learning Technology Professional Staff
• “Instructors need to model e-portfolios to students, they need to be encouraged to create their own teaching portfolios. Teaching e-portfolios and student e-portfolios are connected.” e-Portfolio Project lead
• “The benefits of e-portfolios are transferable to life!” Departmental Administrator
• “Students required a lot of support to get beyond technology problems. We always underestimate the level of human support required to support something like this.” Instructional support staff
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