e-Portfolios @ UBC – Archive of Projects

Entries Tagged as 'Pathology'


July 5th, 2006 · No Comments

“Bacterial Infection in Humans” (PATH417) is a course that teaches students how to apply the knowledge they are accumulating about infectious diseases to an unknown situation or “case”. The course was delivered entirely online via WebCT. Students were given an infectious disease case accompanied by a series of questions along with suggestions on the resources that allowed them to acquire the knowledge and understanding to answer these questions. They were given a few days to work through the questions on their own before joining a group discussion of the case to arrive at a group consensus answer. The group answer was posted to a class discussion area that allows the different groups to compare and contrast their answers to the case questions. Students presented what they felt was their best work in their e-portfolios.

Contact: Niamh Kelly at niamh.kelly@ubc.ca

Tags: Pathology