e-Portfolios @ UBC – Archive of Projects


May 12th, 2005 · No Comments

In the words of our users and some of our project staff…

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Lessons Learned

May 12th, 2005 · No Comments

One of the core benefits of running a large three year pilot project like this is being able to track expectations and issues that arise over a period of time. The lesson learned in the first two years of the pilot will inform future directions and decisions as e-portfolios transition from an emerging to an enterprise learning technology at UBC.

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May 12th, 2005 · No Comments

“Folio thinking” promotes self-awareness, motivation, and direction and provides invaluable support to individuals in academic, professional, and social settings.

Portfolios have shown great potential to document individual learning and growth for UBC students and faculty. Through the work of the 13 pilot projects participating in “The UBC Campus-Wide Online Environment for E-Portfolios: Moving From Project to Program, Year 3” we’ll study the use of e-Portfolios in order to find out more about the challenges and benefits of this human-centered approach.

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May 12th, 2005 · No Comments

e-Portfolios are online collections of your work that you choose to represent your skills and interests to diverse audiences. Highly customizable, e-Portfolios allow the user to assemble subsets of their work to present to instructors, potential employers, and others via login. The project goals support and promote this appraoch to e-Portfolios at UBC.

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About e-Portfolios@UBC

May 12th, 2005 · No Comments

Our Mandate: To build knowledge of eportfolio use within UBC and its broader community, through collaboration, experimentation, and sharing.

“The Campus-Wide Online Environment for e-Portfolios: Moving From Project to Program, Year 3” brings together academic staff and administrative stakeholders to understand the requirements of implementing a university-wide e-Portfolio systems. The individual pilot projects and aligned work of the Community of Practice will enable the campus to investigate the spectrum of uses for e-Portfolios, from preparing to enter university through to ongoing professional practice.

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