Some interesting snippets from our e-Portfolio Conference 2004…Snippets from Reflection for Transfer Learning
Snippets from Student Panel
Some interesting snippets from our e-Portfolio Conference 2004…Snippets from Reflection for Transfer Learning
Snippets from Student Panel
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The program will begin with a review of what Electronic Portfolios are and how they are used by students, faculty members, and career focused individuals. An overview of innovative approaches of Electronic Portfolios being used for lifelong and lifewide learning will also be included. National and international college and university experts will share how they are building research into their ongoing electronic portfolio plans.
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by Kathleen Yancey, R. Roy Pearce Professor, Professional Communication, Clemson University
Electronic portfolios come in a dazzling array of sizes, shapes, colors, sounds, and purposes. In part, that’s part of their charm; they can support many good learning purposes. In part, however, that ability to be almost anything makes it difficult to talk about them. It might be useful, then, to provide a working definition of electronic portfolios, to talk about new pedagogical practices that have been associated with them, and to tease out which practices seem most promising. In this talk, that’s exactly what we’ll do.
Related weblog posts from the e-Portfolio weblog:
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Getting together with colleagues is essential if you want to find out more about e-Learning initiatives, emerging issues, what’s happening across campus, what works – and how to get plugged in!
The second annual e-Strategy Open House, held on March 2nd at the Sage Bistro, helped more than 150 people do just that.
Read more about the e-Strategy Open House
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Blogfolios are the happy blend of e-Portfolios and blogs. Take your typical blog ingredients, add a dash of….and a pinch of…..and you’ve got yourself a blog that meets your portfolio needs as well! Please join the UBC three Amigos, Brian Lamb, Kele Fleming and Michelle Chua in this recorded webcast, as they mash together ingredients from blogs and eportfolios and serve up a blogfolio.
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On November 19, 2004 for an interactive, one-day conference about e-Portfolios and explore one of the most challenging aspects of e-Portfolios: Reflection. Presentations by e-Portfolio experts, including students, faculty and other professionals, will address the role of reflection as a key aspect of developing and using e-Portfolios as a life-long practice.
Topics include:
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On December 5, 2003, members of UBC’s e-Portfolio Community of Practice and their special guests met at UBC Robson Square Campus for a unique Professional Development opportunity – Electronic Portfolios: More than A 21st Century Resume. This full day event drew together post-secondary and k-12 educators, government personnel, industry developers and working professionals to examine the pedagogical foundations, technical considerations and community of practice development opportunities associated with e-portfolios.
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