The QEC Model

This prompt technique is composed of the following statements:

  • Query (Q). This is the task you want the model to perform, framed as a question or an instruction.
  • Example (E). This is an example of how you want the task to be performed. The example should be clear and concise, showing exactly the type of answer you want from the model.
  • Context (C). This is any additional information that the model needs to complete the task. This can include the scenario, details about the audience, constraints on the answer, and so on.


Example 1

  • Create an evaluation rubric with three levels of performance: Below expectation / Meets Expectations / Above Expectations (Q).
  • Use the following criteria of evaluation: Quality of argumentation, clarity of language, real-world examples (E).
  • This rubric is to be used for first-year journalism students who will be presenting a journalist report on a topic of their choice. The rubric is to be used by their peer students and must be clear and easy to use (C).
    [Click send message. ChatGPT generates output]
  • ChatGPT Example

Example 2

  • Write a learning objective on generative AI in higher education (Q).
  • Use the following example to write your objective: “By the end of the session, participants will be able to”. (E)
  • This learning objective is for first-year students to familiarize themselves with the use of generative AI in a journalism course (C).
    [Click send message. ChatGPT generates output]

Did you know?

For each output generated, ask ChatGPT the criteria that were used to generate that response, and to regenerate the response based on those criteria. A technique called reflect on reflexion.

Reflect on reflexion

  • Act as an experienced educational consultant and critique this prompt.
  • Tell me which criteria you used to review this prompt.






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