Prompt Practice Activities

Practice: Transforming Text

Copy and paste the first sections of the wikipedia article shared in the chat and transform it in different ways:

  1. Have the model create a glossary 
  2. Ask the model to create a set of pre-reading questions to gauge students understanding 
  3. Ask the model to explain the article like you were 5
  4. Ask the model to analyze the tone of the text

Wikipedia Article

Practice: Persona Pattern 

Using the persona pattern, have the model act as:

  1. A historical figure + Ask a question
  2. An expert in a particular field + Give it a task
  3. An inanimate object or a terminal + Ask a question or give it a task
  4. Ask the model to interact with you in a role for example a patient, a member of the public who is concerned about x

Practice:  Improving Response Quality

Using QEC,  the persona pattern, or the audience persona pattern to complete one of the following tasks:

  1. Design a rubric to assess a first year writing expository essay
  2. Develop a learning activity with measurable learning outcomes for your discipline
  3. Create a CSV to tabulate and categorize an aspect of your work

Practice: Question Refinement

  1. Ask the model to refine your prompts using the question refinement pattern
    1. From now on, whenever I ask a question, suggest a better version of the question to use instead
  2. Prompt the GenAI with a question

Practice: Refining and improving your prompts and results

  1. Prompt the GenAI create a learning activity or an email or solve a problem. Ask the GenAI to show its work (Chain of Thought)
  2. Improve the result using Reflect on Reflection (RoR)

Practice: Interacting with the AI

  1. Create a and play a game with the model to practice your understanding of a topic or content
  2. Using the flipped interaction pattern, ask the Gen AI to act as a tutor or a coach and develop a plan for you to help with something you are learning or in your life. 

Tip: Make sure to ask the model to start with the first question. You may need to remind it to ask one question at a time. 

Developing your prompt and output 

Revisit your goal for this session and using the patterns and approaches shared with you develop and refine your output. 

  • Combine patterns for the best result
  • Refer to the prompt-a-thon blog for descriptions and examples of the prompts discussed today






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