
Welcome to my web folio, an online portfolio of the skills and work I have done that showcase my suitability for a career in science and technology. The purpose of this folio is to highlight my technical skills and experience to employers that are looking to hire in these fields. Please feel free to send inquiries about work opportunities to PhillipFTellier@gmail.com or reach out on LinkedIn.

The pages in this folio are organized as follows:

  • About Me: Learn more about my educational and career background and interests in computer science and biochemistry.
  • Blog: Reflections on what I have learned during a technical writing class.
  • Resumé: My professional background and competencies as well as technologies and programming languages I am familiar with.
  • Technical Writing Samples: Some of the technical writing I have done as part of a technical writing class.
  • Application Package Sample: An example of a job I am interested in and an application that shows suitability for the position.

I suggest skimming the resumé section to begin, and then reading the “about me” section if my background is appealing.