Riot Games: A Company With A Different Business Strategy

The New York Times article on the creator of the popular online multiplayer game “League of Legends (LoL)” revealed a different path towards profitability. Riot Games, the creators behind LoL, have a vision that embraces player experience. At the time of LoL’s introduction (2009) the market for online, freely download-able games occupied a small percentage of the gaming industry, just because this business strategy is not the industry norm in the USA. The status-quo was that (and it still is) games will be made available at high prices or subscriptions and to be played on expensive game consoles (Segal).

To the non-gamer general public, companies such as Riot Games, and the industry in general is perceived as a “trivial”. However, this article revealed to me that this exact company is implementing a transient competitive strategy, whereas the top MNCs are clinging on to their competitive advantage, refusing to let go. An online gaming industry needs to be updated continuously, to have new features so that the gamer experience can be optimized. This effectively illustrates that Riot Games chose to improve upon their current product, instead of deciding to expand their product portfolio to increase revenue, once a certain profit objective has been reached.

Riot Games seems to be also aware of the immoral behavior of its users that is expectedly fostered on an anonymous online gaming platform. The company has created a system for vulgar and threatening users to be issued warnings and consequences based on violations of those warnings.  Riot Games is determined to take responsibility against unethical action of its consumers, which further optimizes the experience of other users. This is a business strategy that puts the customer on a pedestal. Profit will only be reaped when the users are truly happy.

Works Cited List

Segal, David. “Behind League of Legends, E-Sports’s Main           Attraction.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 11 Oct. 2014. Web. 11 Oct. 2014.

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