Polystyrene; Deteriorates in 3 weeks, not 100 years.

Danny and Alexandre found a “pain” of the world, and took matters into their own hands. In 2009, my cousin, Danny Luong and Alexandre Allard at the age of 18, discovered a way to decompose polystyrene in just 3 weeks as opposed to its nature of 100 years.  Like we discussed in our most recent COMM 101 discussion, sometimes taking the frustrations that you have and finding a solution could be the start of an entrepreneurial career.

“I think the most rewarding part of the project is the fact that it has the potential not only to be marketable, but also to be beneficial to the environment,” beamed Luong.” -Concordia News



The pair could easily charge an insane amount of money for their creation like Turing Pharmaceuticals. However, what’s inspiring is the fact that they want to maintain the “key element [as] being able to make a difference.” They would also like to take further steps with this project in hopes of seeing this cost effective solution being implemented in third world countries. From the labs to winning the International Stockholm Junior Water Prize and working at Deloitte, I’m excited to see what my cousin Danny has in store for the world.

(Perhaps starting his very own social enterprise?)







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