Groceries: With a CLICK

The personal shopping program called Click & Collect is now available across 7 Superstore B.C Locations. First started in Toronto about a year ago, this program allows shoppers to “Click” what they would like to purchase; meats, fruits, cereal…anything! Then set up a time for pick up. How convenient! Customers even have the option to bring their own re-usable bags.

Screen Shot 2015-11-14 at 9.52.23 PMThough there is a small catch, this service costs $3-5 depending on the traffic during the time the customer requests for pick-up. I think that this service is going to be quite a success due to the following value propositions:

  1. SAVING TIME: Families or people that work long days can easily do their groceries on their phones, computers, etc and even on their way to work! Then easily go pick up their pre-bagged and paid groceries.
  2. PLANNING: With the holidays rolling in full force, customers can easily skip the busy lines and order everything they need for the perfect holiday get together.

Though beneficial for the customer, an issue that I see with this program for the company is that they’re pretty much helping people eliminate their impulse buys. Which means they’re pretty much cutting out a section of their revenues. According to this article, impulse shopping decreases by 13% on a planned trip while increases by 44% if the customer is travelling by car. As well, during 40% of store visits, shoppers make the an average of 3 unplanned purchases.

I don’t know about you, but I always tend to reach for another chocolate bar and shade of red lipstick when it’s RIGHT THERE in front of me.


