Marketing and Sustainability

Sustainability has now suddenly been the focus of many companies for the marketability of their products, such as Starbucks (recycled cups) and Toyota (developing fuel-efficient cars).  Consequently, numerous companies are now investing heavily on green marketing. I’m not saying it is a bad thing, but somehow, I can’t help but doubt companies’ real motives behind going green. I feel that some of the companies are just hopping onto the going-green bandwagon just because it’s the mainstream these days.

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Furthermore, according to Jack Huang’s blog post, companies nowadays don’t have a choice but to go green. This made me think that companies who produce eco-friendly products may actually not be environmentally concerned. This could just be a way for them to survive in this continuing changing economy.  Since consumers are starting to be more aware of their environment, they tend to buy or support certain brands that hold up to their eco-friendly campaign.  Unfortunately, if companies don’t adapt to this change in the market, like Jack said, they won’t survive. With all these said, I guess I don’t really have the right to judge if companies have the right or wrong motives behind going green. At the end of the day, the only thing that matters is that they are helping make our world a better place to live in.