While there are some who view the growth of internet and online sharing platforms as a bad thing, I think there are some real merits out there and shouldn’t be disregarded. YouTube is one these platforms that I think really changed the way the entertainment industry works. YouTube paved the way for many undiscovered artists around the world to enter the entertainment industry that would otherwise not be able to if not for the video-sharing website.
Traditionally before internet was widely accessible worldwide, there are very limited ways for someone aspiring to be a singer, comedian or actor, to be discovered or showcase their talent. Now, the world has become a smaller place because of YouTube, and people can show their talent with just a video and a click away. I personally discovered a lot of artists on YouTube that I really like. It’s good to know that people who really have the talent are getting the recognition their deserve through the help of YouTube. Personally for me, people who are in show business these days lack the creativity, content and talent, and YouTube has filled that gap by allowing individuals who initially did not have enough resources to make it into the business be able to. Many people who do covers of well-known songs really well tend to get scouted by talent agencies and are able to have a career in something that they’re really passionate about.
At the end of the day, I think even if there are some downside to growth of internet and these platforms, the benefits YouTube has given to many individuals are still something to be appreciated.
Here’s an video of a YouTube cover artist that I really enjoy listening to: