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Dec 2 / ramirorejas

Google: example of entrepreneurship

Google has become one of the biggest corporations in the world

Google is one of the biggest technological, offering a wide range of Internet-based services and products, including Gmail, Google Chrome, Android, Google Buzz, Picasa, Google Talk and even YouTube. This huge corporation is in the route to becoming the biggest innovative technological corporation in the world.

But the success comes from the vision of the entrepreneurs that founded Google: Sergey Brin and Lawrence Page. These visionaries have been able to turn what started as a small research project on search engines into a technological giant. Their values and norms are based on the importance of the workers, who are the people who make the company develop, innovate and maintain their leadership.

They have achieved a great organizational culture, in which workers are motivated intrinsically and they are, in simple words, very happy to work at Google. Brin and Page know that this is crucial for them to develop the most advanced applications and programs that finally make the corporation a world leader.

Google workers have an extremely positive working environment with all the facilities you can imagine, including cafeterias, gyms, laundry facilities, volleyball pitch, swimming pool and even massage rooms. They even allow their programmers to spend 20% of their work time on projects not related to Google. Gmail is an example of a service which was initiated as a non-related project.

Google entrepreneurs have shown the world that they can treat their employees the best way and be the world leaders in their market and probably become the most powerful corporation in the world in a few years.

Further reading: Google’s entrepreneurial spirit

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