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Mar 25 / ramirorejas

Greatest lesson learned from someone else

I can say that I’ve learned many great lessons in the last few years. So that makes it quite hard to choose only one. Anyway, I would say that the greatest lesson is one I learned from my parents. And that is: to know how fortunate I am and be grateful for that.

I come from Peru, a developing country in which the average person is not as fortunate as me. I am very aware of that and I am very grateful. I have been given the opportunity to study in one of the best universities in the world and the best way to show how thankful I am for that is taking the most out of this experience. That means doing my best, not only academically but also in other aspects. That is why I put a lot of effort to achieve my objectives.

I can say that I know what is it to have the chance to do well and not do it. The feeling is terrible and I would never like to feel it again. I’m not saying that fear is what is driving me to try my best; I’m saying that experience has taught me not to make certain mistakes. In conclusion, I consider this the greatest lesson learned because it made me learn several other lessons.

Be grateful for what you have

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