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Apr 5 / ramirorejas

What I learned about myself in COMM 299

In Comm 299 (Career Fundamentals) I learned about my strengths, skills and abilities. Through the Strength Quest, a really useful tool, I found out that I am analytical, disciplined, consistent, relator and harmonious. These helped me realize my specific strengths, something that would have been difficult to specify by myself. Now I am aware of my skills and I can focus on making the most out of them.

Moreover, the course was very helpful in improving my resume and cover letter skills. In a career in which these two documents are extremely important and crucial to get the job that I want, this course was very helpful to prepare myself for the future. Additionally, I learned from the interview that I have to improve my communication skills. I have not had any previous experience in interviews, so this was a really helpful activity to see how I could do in a situation like that. Now I can concentrate on improving my weak points  to be well prepared for when I really apply for a job.

Overall, I think that Comm 299 was a really useful course that helped me learn several important aspects of myself.

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