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Feb 5 / ramirorejas

Apple’s marketing strategy

First of all, I should say that Apple is probably my favourite company and brand. I really like their ability to make a high-quality, very user-friendly and efficient products, as well as their mission of always trying to innovate in the markets they compete in. Consequently, I was really glad to find Nicole’s blog post about Apple and I found her opinion of their marketing strategy to be very interesting.

It’s very true that when other companies just try to commercially attack Apple it just does not work and Apple gains more attention and positive response. Apple’s whole marketing strategy is based on simplicity and user-friendliness, which are directly derived from their products, and their advertisements always try to show that. The company has managed to successfully build and shape its brand and, in the last few years, it has become very famous.

I’m from Peru, a developing country where Apple products are very expensive for the average consumer; they are even expensive for consumers with a higher buying power. I can confirm that Apple products in Peru cost at least an extra $800 than the US normal price. Nonetheless, Apple is slowly entering the market, positioning itself and gaining a loyal customer base. I should emphasize that Peru’s economic growth and success during the last decade has been a big factor in this trend as well.

Finally, Apple’s constant and massive market share increase in the past few years has been, in part, thanks to their growth in developing countries. What I find very interesting is that the brand does not change its marketing strategy depending on the location. From experience, I can say that their advertisement in Peru is very similar to their advertisement in the US or Canada.

One of Apple's iStore located in Lima, Peru


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  1. Natalie Shojania / Feb 8 2012

    Great post, you did a good job accenting your opinions with Nicole’s post!

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