Final Project – The Arch of an eyebrow: Disrupting gender in image


 Final project Script & references (1)

About this Project:

This Videoscribe was designed with educators, parents and even grandparents in mind. Parents and grandparents are included in our youths educational community as they are our earliest teachers. The video is a call to action. We need to include critical media literacy in our schools’ curriculum but we also need to go beyond the classroom walls. A critical lens need to be ubiquitous, just as the language of image, technology and learning are becoming more ubiquitous.

Additional ideas and thoughts:

The Arch of an Eyebrow could be a starting point for youth and educators. Learning could then continue with the following activities:

  • Do a digital image search. What images and icons or emojis are used? Who do they privilege?  Who is included and who is excluded.   Are Bitmojis and Emoji-Me type Apps an improvement in their representation?
  • Create an image gallery of historical or contemporary images for a picture walk and talk.
  • Discuss with others what has been noticed. Not everyone’s lens or experiences are the same.
  • Explore Unicode Consortium’s site and proposal procedure.  And maybe even create a proposal for their own for an emoji that is “missing.”
  • Look for other opportunities to give input to designers (or design their own.)

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