Post-Secondary Ramblings

Archive for the ‘Wellness’ Category

Welcome back to my life, Ultimate.

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Carmela + Team Kaba Highlighters, if you’re reading this, this is for you :)

Picture is yet again in colour to highlight my post. Get it? Haha. Yes I know I’m lame.

In my last post I talked about a club that I joined, in this post I will talk about the UBC REC Ultimate team that I joined.

A little about my playing history, I first picked up the sport way back in Grade 7. I would play Ultimate literally every recess and lunch, rain or shine, even in the snow. I loved the sport, but unfortunately I stopped playing when I hit high school. It wasn’t until Grade 10 when I picked up the sport for real. I started to take it more intensely. I had a great season with my high school team. We didn’t have many wins, but ask anyone on the team and they will tell you we had many great memories together. I changed high schools in Grade 11, and though I did join the school team there, I was not able to find the same type of chemistry. I tried VUL Hat League, Summer League, JVUL, but I wasn’t able to find chemistry anywhere. Attending games and practices felt like a chore and I eventually decided to take a break from ultimate.

I was not involved in with the sport at all until I entered UBC and was approached by a friend from my Grade 10 team. She asked me if I was interested in playing Ultimate again. I jumped at the opportunity as I was looking to start up the sport again. I am glad to say that though I’ve only been to three practices with my new team, I feel the chemistry already. Even though my classes end at 12, and I have to stay on campus until 5 for practices, I don’t mind at all. I’m always pumped and excited for practices, and totally refreshed after sweating through an entire tshirt.

So ya,  a super warm welcome back to my life, Ultimate. I promised I won’t ditch you again…at least not for a while :)

Written by Renee

September 28th, 2010 at 8:43 pm

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