Welcome Back! Toolkits, CIRS, how to get involved, and introducing Gage Sustainability!

Hello everyone!

Welcome back to school!

I have three things to share with you:

1. This week, Campus Sustainability now calls CIRS (The Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability) HOME! If you have not already heard about all of it’s neat sustainable features, check them out here on the official sustain website, or here on a blog I wrote for my personal blog.

2. The Sustainability in Rez Toolkits are now online, live, and available for PDF download or in flippable version! They are a comprehensive and in-depth resource to how to live more sustainabily in rez at UBC, jam packed full of online and on-campus resources for you to take advantage of. Check them out: suite style trad style

3. How to get involved: if you live in Totem Park or Place Vanier, sign up for your residence sustainability committee on Thursday, September 15th at the involvement fair in the commonsblock from 5-7 pm.

If you live in Gage Residence, we are hiring a Sustainability Committee Chair to head a sustainability committee for the year, as well as recruiting residents who would like to volunteer to plan events and promote sustainability in Gage. Sign up from 3-6 pm in the Walter Gage Commonsblock from Monday, September 19th to Wednesday September 21st or email me at rez.sustainability@ubc.ca for more information.