Welcome Back! Toolkits, CIRS, how to get involved, and introducing Gage Sustainability!

Hello everyone!

Welcome back to school!

I have three things to share with you:

1. This week, Campus Sustainability now calls CIRS (The Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability) HOME! If you have not already heard about all of it’s neat sustainable features, check them out here on the official sustain website, or here on a blog I wrote for my personal blog.

2. The Sustainability in Rez Toolkits are now online, live, and available for PDF download or in flippable version! They are a comprehensive and in-depth resource to how to live more sustainabily in rez at UBC, jam packed full of online and on-campus resources for you to take advantage of. Check them out: suite style trad style

3. How to get involved: if you live in Totem Park or Place Vanier, sign up for your residence sustainability committee on Thursday, September 15th at the involvement fair in the commonsblock from 5-7 pm.

If you live in Gage Residence, we are hiring a Sustainability Committee Chair to head a sustainability committee for the year, as well as recruiting residents who would like to volunteer to plan events and promote sustainability in Gage. Sign up from 3-6 pm in the Walter Gage Commonsblock from Monday, September 19th to Wednesday September 21st or email me at rez.sustainability@ubc.ca for more information.

Live in Rez at UBC? Care about Sustainability?


Welcome to the UBC Sustainability in Rez blog!

This blog is a place for  announcements, event info, and story highlights on everything related to sustainability in student residences and on campus at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver.  Connect with other student leaders in the residence community to share best practices and gain skills and contacts across campus. For more information about our member residences that have formal Sustainability Committees, click through the tabs at the top of the page!

If your residence is not listed above but belongs to the Sustainability in Residence network, please contact the Sustainability in Residence Coordinator Shelley Long at rez.sustainability@ubc.ca to learn more about how you can get involved in rez.

For more information about Sustainability @ UBC please visit www.sustain.ubc.ca

Green Cafe with David Suzuki – March 23rd, 2011

What does it mean to be an environmentalist?

Wednesday, March 23, 6 – 8pm
Fairmont Waterfront Hotel
Facilitators: Steve Williams, Steve Unger, Dr. Jerry Growe

“By changing the way we think, we change the way we act, thereby creating the transformation that we seek.”

Join the David Suzuki Foundation at the Fairmont Waterfront in Vancouver for a transformative Green Café, where we will be bring awareness to our basic assumptions about what it means to be an environmentalist, both professionally and as human beings.

Special guest: Graphic facilitator Stina Brown will animate this highly interactive and provocative discussion.

For: Members of employee green teams, business owners and all individuals committed to sustainable workplace practice!

Tickets $10

Register online


Responsible Consumption Week – March 7th-12th, 2011!

Responsible Consumption Week is happening March 7th to 11th, and we want you all to come out and have fun at our events!

Check out the Facebook page:  https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=204833422865740

This is a week of events organized by the Student Environment Centre resource group at UBC, with the goal of setting up responsible consumption opportunities and showing how you too can think responsibly when it comes to what you buy and use! It’s also a good time to break from the rut of school work and have …fun in various green activities!

Here is the schedule of events for Responsible Consumption Week 2011:

Stuff Swap:
Monday-Tuesday (inside the SUB) and Wednesday-Friday (SUB south entrance)
– Do you have stuff lying around that you don’t want or need? Don’t want to throw it out? You can bring out your old clothes and unwanted treasures to swap them with others at the Stuff Swap booth all day every day of the week! We will also be collecting e-waste/batteries which we will recycle for you!

Threads Workshop:
Monday March 7th inside SUB room 207/209
– Learn how to knit simple dishcloths and repair your old and ripped clothing. Feel free to come by at any time during the workshop and we’ll get you started. You can bring an article of clothing to work on or just come out and practice. If you are knitting, there will be a deposit of $3 if you need to borrow knitting needles outside of workshop time.

Scavenger Hunt:
Thursday March 10th at the Stuff Swap booth (SUB south entrance)
– Participate in our Responsible Consumption scavenger hunt and you could win a $20 MEC gift certificate! Create a team of up to three people, e-mail us at enviro@ams.ubc.ca or come by the Stuff Swap table anytime between Monday and Thursday morning, and go on a hunt!

Wrap-Up Potluck:
Friday March 11th in the Resource Center upstairs in the SUB
– End off Responsible Consumption Week with a potluck! Come by and bring some green (literally or otherwise) food to share, and watch the scavenger hunt awards get passed out! We will also be watching Wall-E, hanging out and wrapping the week up with good times!

Canada's Water Week – March 14th – 22nd, 2011

Celebrate Canada’s water resources from March 14th – 22nd by hosting an event with your Sustainability Committee or involved in the events below:

Blue Drinks @ the Blarney Stone on March 22nd

False Creek Watershed event @ Rhizome Kitchen on March 31st
For more information check out the WWF Page for Canada’s Water week – http:.//www.canadawaterweek.com

Email info@canadawaterweek.com to sign your group up for an event!

The Psychology of Climate Change by Dr. Sabine Pahl, March 15th, 2011

“The Psychology of Climate Change” by Dr. Sabine Pahl, PICS Visiting Scholar – March 15, 2011 at 12:30pm, Room 120, Aquatic Ecosystem Research Laboratory (AERL) Building, UBC (MAP)

Register online at http://www.picsstudentseminar.eventbrite.com.

Human dimensions are crucial in understanding climate change processes and in developing adaptation and mitigation measures. This talk will explore the contribution of psychological approaches to climate solutions, focusing on perceptions and behavior change. Dr. Pahl will discuss why the human mind has difficulty understanding big challenges such as climate change, with a focus on the role of psychological distance. She will then provide research results on future scenario and thermographic image visualization behavioural studies. The results offer insight into how we can overcome the psychological distance to viable climate solutions.

Dr. Sabine Pahl has been a lecturer in Psychology at the University of Plymouth since 2006. She joins UBC as a Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions (PICS) Visiting Scholar for March 2011. Dr. Pahl (Dipl.-Psych. Bremen, D; MSc Kent, UK; PhD Sheffield, UK) has applied her social psychology background to various projects in the areas of environment and health. Her research has attracted funding from ESRC/NERC, the Technology Strategy Board, the Seale-Hayne Trust and the University of Plymouth. Sabine has convened symposia on the Psychology of Sustainability for the British Psychological Society and the International Association for People-Environment Studies. Current research examines the impact of human activities in natural marine environments on human and habitat well-being, the use of thermographic images as prompts for energy saving behaviour, and the role of optimistic / pessimistic future outlooks in motivating environmental action. She is part of the Changing Risky Behaviours (CRiB) group in Plymouth and affiliated with the Peninsula Medical School’s European Centre for Environment and Human Health.

National Sweater Day


Keep warm while keeping the planet cool.

On Thursday, February 17, join Canadians across the country in turning down your thermostat by 3 degrees, and throw on a fun, quirky sweater to show your support for the planet.

Join us at UBC where student led initiatives are turning down the heat in the Student Union Building, Koerner Library, in first year student residences and in Place Vanier Dining Hall!  Look out for fun, wacky, cheezy and silly sweaters at these locations!!

What you can do:

1. Turn down your thermostat by 3 degrees at home on February 17. If you are able to control a thermostat in your department/office, turn it down by 3 degrees.

2. Wear a wacky sweater to workEncourage your department members and networks to do the same. Dig out that loud, clashing sweater from your closet. Have a laugh with your colleagues and peers.

3. Pledge your commitment to Sweater Day by February 17 and get entered in a draw to win prizes!

4. Get Sweatered on Facebook.

5. Continue to support climate action at home and at UBC.

spOILed: From the Tar Sands to the Great Bear Rainforest

Wednesday, February 16 · 6:30pm – 11:00pm

Location Centennial Theatre 

2300 Lonsdale Avenue
North Vancouver, BC

The Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival, Pacific Wild, Sierra Club BC and the international League of Conservation Photographers present spOILed: From the Tar Sands to the Great Bear Rainforest.

Please join us for an evening of photography, film and multimedia presentations by world renowned conservationists, adventurers, film-makers and photographers such as Ian McAlister, Tom Peschak, Garth Lenz, Norm Hann and Fran…k Wolf. Doors open at 6:30.

This screening is part of the Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival. Tickets are $18 in advance and $20 at the door.

Books, films and photographs will all be for sale/ auction and there are lots of prizes to be won!

Advanced tickets are available online at www.vimff.org, and at the Centennial Theatre, 2300 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver, tel (604) 984-4484, and at the Mountain Equipment Co-op stores in Vancouver and North Vancouver.

Thanks to SaltSpring Island Cheese, Gulf Island Brewing, Sitka Surfboards and many others for supporting this night!