Category: Uncategorized

  • The Ignition of Eco-Anxiety: Impacts of the Wildfire Crisis in BC

    The Ignition of Eco-Anxiety: Impacts of the Wildfire Crisis in BC

    It seems to be that time of year again when the news headlines are dominated by mentions of climate change and wildfires in British Columbia (BC). With the BC Wildfire Service having already spent $105.3 million fighting fires in the province this year – well before peak fire season [1] – the question of the…

  • A Piece of the Peace: Rural Community Perspectives from the Northern Peace Region

    A Piece of the Peace: Rural Community Perspectives from the Northern Peace Region

    Written by Salina Edwards. Growing up on a farm was never easy–the work was hard, the days were long, and the summer was the busiest time of year. In spite of the days spent picking rocks in 25 degree heat, I do consider this to be one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.…

  • Forecast for the Future: Extreme Temperature Effects on British Columbia’s Rural Farming Systems

    Forecast for the Future: Extreme Temperature Effects on British Columbia’s Rural Farming Systems

    Written by Salina Edwards Unimpeded increases in greenhouse gas emissions released into the atmosphere are contributing to the extreme rising and falling temperatures on our planet [1]. As global temperatures rise, these increases have devastating consequences on agricultural production for farmers in British Columbia.  Agriculture is highly vulnerable to climate change, and temperature-related disruptions in…

  • Community-based participatory research

    Community-based participatory research

    Photo by Ali Kazal on Unsplash By Elyse Tsang Our previous knowledge hub posts have touched on the great diversity between rural communities, making it challenging to apply identical research approaches and generalize findings across rural populations. Considering this reality, what strategies can support the heterogeneity of rural health research to ensure that individual community needs are…

  • How the Climate Emergency is Exacerbating Food Insecurity for Indigenous People in the Canadian Arctic

    How the Climate Emergency is Exacerbating Food Insecurity for Indigenous People in the Canadian Arctic

    Photo by Isaac Demeester on Unsplash By Kyara Liu As defined by the United Nation’s Human Rights Council, the right to food is “the right to have regular, permanent and unrestricted access… to adequate and sufficient food corresponding to the cultural traditions of the people to which the consumer belongs, and which ensure a physical…

  • Quantitative research methodologies used in rural health research

    Quantitative research methodologies used in rural health research

    Photo by 丁亦然 on Unsplash By Sila Rogan and Elyse Tsang What is quantitative research? Numbers are the hallmark of quantitative research. Quantitative research is characterized by collecting and analyzing numerical data generated through various statistical, computational, or mathematical methods. These quantitative findings can determine associations or causality between variables and can also be used…

  • Asking the right questions in rural health research

    Asking the right questions in rural health research

    Photo by Gonz DDL on Unsplash By Elyse Tsang This blog post builds off our previous discussion on the various methodologies used in rural health research and takes a detailed look into the first step of this process – asking the right questions. Approaching rural health through a rural lens When it comes to rural…

  • Complex adaptive systems

    Complex adaptive systems

    Photo credit: Igor Starkov via Pexels By Sila Rogan What is a complex adaptive system? A complex adaptive system (CAS) refers to a system composed of multiple, interacting parts (1). Essential features of complex adaptive systems : Undergoing perpetual change, constantly evolving; following non-linear behaviour (2) Being constrained by simple rules that limit component and…

  • Qualitative research methodologies in rural health research

    Qualitative research methodologies in rural health research

    By Sila Rogan This blog post will help you understand what qualitative research is, how it can be used in rural health research, and how to decide if qualitative research is right for answering your rural health research question. What is qualitative research? Qualitative research involves taking exploratory approaches to collecting and analyzing information on…

  • Research methodologies used in rural health research

    Research methodologies used in rural health research

    By Sila Rogan How can we define rural? Determining what exactly defines a rural community is a tricky business. There are no clear definitions or guidelines for what constitutes an urban or rural area(1). Creating a strict definition is problematic as it disregards the diverse nature of rural communities as well as the multitude of…

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