” If the United Nations was fully funded why would we need the Arc or social enterprise”?
During any sort of global issue, the United Nations comes together always to come up with a “solution” to aid the victims. Whether it was care packages for those recovering after a natural disaster, or food and nutrition for the hungry, the UN has been there to help alleviate the pain. If the United Nations was fully funded we would still need social enterprise because it creates a solution for those who are suffering to finding lasting results. By giving someone food and clothing, it can only help them for as long as those resources to last, but to teach someone how to fish sew and use the resources given it creates long term benefit. Social enterprises do just that. When the Arc Initiative helped the Salem boutique fix their production issues, they created a long term solution with real results that helped not only keep the business alive but expand. If the United Nations began allocating more of their money to social enterprises, there would be a lot more positive action done in a shorter period because some great social justice ideas just lack funding.