Ikea’s A-maze-in Strategy


I chose to respond to Gianluca’s blog post because often times I have been frustrated with stores’ attempts to force me to embark on a lengthy journey just to get to my desired section. However, now I realize the true strategy in this system, and agree with Gianluca in that it’s a creative and intelligent concept.

He exemplifies the idea through the company Ikea, as they force their customers to walk through a maze of their products in order to be more profitable. I now further understand the motive behind this concept; what one doesn’t see one cannot purchase. I see that the purpose is to expose as much of the company’s products to the consumers as possible, in attempt to ultimately entice them to buy something they weren’t initially planning to purchase.

I agree that there is no such thing as “a quick run to IKEA,” as it’s a large store that forces one to channel through a maze in an attempt to hunt down what one is actually looking for. However, I don’t think it’s a huge issue. Consumers know the store is giant and full of option, and therefore should only go if they’re willing to spend the time.

Here is an example of a customer asserting he has to walk through the whole Ikea to get to one place (watch from 00:55-1:00 minute)




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