Being Smart Isn’t Wrong

In Mikaela Wang’s blog on “Exploiting Loopholes: Apple Sidesteps Billions in Global Taxes”, she describes how big corporates like Apple Inc. taking advantage of areas where there are low corporate taxes in order to evade paying large amounts of cash to the government.

Unethical or Smart?


By using strategic methods of setting up offices in low corporate tax regions, Apple Inc. was able to evade paying 2.4 billion dollars in taxes.


Now some may say this was an unethical move on behalf of Apple, which I agree with, however I believe it was a smart move in cutting down costs for the company. By thinking smart and utilizing the tax laws, Apple was able to pay less taxes without breaking any laws. In today’s poor economy, companies are always finding ways to cut costs. Whether if it is firing employees or simply cheating the tax system, they are all equally unethical yet it saves the company a lot of money.


So if you were to ask me if this was a right or wrong move for Apple, I would have to answer that as long as if it doesn’t break any laws, it’s a smart move and a wise choice. As a cliché saying goes, “finders keepers, losers weepers.”



– Mikaela Wang’s Blog –

– Singapore., Charles Duhigg And David Kocieniewski; Additional Reporting Was Contributed By Keith Bradsher In Hong Kong, Siem Eikelenboom In Amsterdam, Dean Greenaway In The British Virgin Islands, Scott Sayare In Luxembourg And Jason Woodard In. “THE IECONOMY; How Apple Sidesteps Billions in Taxes.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 29 Apr. 2012. Web. 27 Sept. 2012. <>.

– Skelton, Alissa. “Apple ‘Sidesteps’ Billions in Corporate Taxes, NY Times Reports.”Mashable. Mashable, 29 Apr. 2012. Web. 27 Sept. 2012. <>.

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