
BlackBerry Made Mistakes In Positioning

News: BlackBerry Ltd. will cut 4,500 jobs, write off more than $900-million (U.S.) worth of unsold phones and abandon parts of the consumer wireless market in an attempt to save a business in freefall.

In my analysis, one of the important reasons for BlackBerry had such a poor sale volume is that BlackBerry failed to position itself in the market.

-Failed to get into the mind of consumers: the advertisement of BlackBerry Z10 was blamed as too confused to get the information about the phone.(The advertisement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2qm5R2rt0s)

-the wrong strategy of positioning: BlackBerry used to take advantage with the unique design of full-keyboard. However, as the first carrier of the new system 10, the BlackBerry Z10 is a touchscreen phone. After  several months Z10 being sold, Blackberry started to sell the full-keyboard phone Q10 with system 10, which caused a great loss of customers. In the high-technology smart phone market, Z10 was totally defeated by iPhones and Samsung phones.

As my analysis shows, I recommend BlackBerry to focus more on the sale of Q10, because full-keyboard phones are BlackBerry’s sustainable products. Also, make a advertisement for Q10 and stop playing Z10’s advertisement because Z10’s ad is complained to be a “mass” by customers.

(The news can be found at:http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/trading-in-blackberry-halted/article14440386/)


China School Bus Is A Big Safety Hazard

China school bus has been a big problem for a long time.

Since the year of 2003, the problem of China school buses started to appear, but got few attention form the government. These years, as the public media grows, the accidents of China school bus were reported. However, the accidents of China school buses happened more frequently these years.


-the kids who take those school buses

-the relatives of those kids, especially parents

-the drivers of those school buses

-the school

-the government

According to those news, I found that there are several common reasons for those accidents

-nearly all those buses in accidents are not specialization. Some are common vans.

-those school buses are overloaded.

-those school bus drivers are not professional

-the potential safety hazard were not checked out but after the accidents happened

I recommend those stakeholders to do

-parents: tell the school buses are weather safe or not for kids.

-schools: hire professional school bus drivers and buy specialized school buses.

-the government: strengthen supervising, increase the punishment level for those immoral schools who has potential safety hazard in their school bus and allocate funds for supporting some schools to buy school buses.