Twitter IPO: Where are the Women?


the original article:

This article, which highlights Twitter’s, or most high-tech companies’ preferences of male over female due to the stereotype and the tradition. Basically, the article addresses the reasons for not having an equal number of female and male workers in Twitter’s executive team; however, I do not agree with the expert’s stand that it is a long-term problem and cannot be fixed in a short amount of time, and also the perspective which attributes Twitter’s difficulty of finding a woman member in their team to the industry’s tradition and stereotypes.

If certain actions or regulations were made by the government, the high-tech industry companies such as twitter will put more efforts into finding excellent women members for their executive team instead of doing it reluctantly and shows the society “how hard it is to find a woman worker in the high-tech industry”. For instance,  government can offer sponsorship to  twitter if the company agrees to hire the same number of female and male members on its executive team, or even encouraging them to form an all-female team. This way, not only the big companies like twitter will be willing to break the tradition because of the sponsor and the extra promotion, but also the reputation they will earn from lessen a long-existed social problem- gender inequality. After all, twitter is one big target for the social activists because of its fame and the extreme lack of woman(only having one woman) on its team, but there are certainly more companies in this industry that have the gender imbalance issue when hiring.

Works Cited:

Patrick, Coutermarsh(2013). TWITTER IPO: Where are the Women? from
Bronwen, Clune(2013). There’s absolutely no excuse for Twitter not to have a woman on its board?  from




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