Unit One Reflection Blog

by RidaIrshad

Original Draft of the Technical Definition

In the first unit of the ENGL 301 course, we were assigned to write a definition of a technical term related to our own profession for a non-technical reader. Since I had no previous experience in writing definitions, I found this assignment to be daunting at first. However, with the help of reading the instructional blog as well as the readings in the textbook, I was able to complete the process of writing a parenthetical, sentence, and expanded definitions of the term “Periodontitis.” Normally, I would not consider this term to be technical as being a dental hygienist and working in a dental clinic, this term is considered to be common dental language. However, from my experience of explaining the term to my patients, I understand it is quite a foreign term to the general population. A parenthetical definition provides the audience with a simple version of the definition that can use a synonym of the term or a clarifying phrase in parenthesis. Sentence definition is a more elaborate definition compared to a parenthetical definition; it uses more distinguishing features to describe the term. Expanded definitions are used when the audience requires a general understanding of the term. To better define the term Periodontitis, I had used expanded definition methods of Etymology (to describe the word’s origin), comparison and contrast (to describe the difference between gingivitis and periodontitis), analysis of parts (to describe what causes periodontitis) and visuals. Using these methods and creating definitions gave me a deeper understanding of technical writing and appreciate the challenges of describing a term to a non-technical audience.

Peer Review Process

In this stage of the assignment, I was responsible for critiquing and reviewing a team member’s definition assignment as well receiving constructive feedback for my own assignment. Given my limited experience in peer reviews, I once again relied on my readings from instructional blogs and the guidelines in the textbook. Having completed the assignment and being familiar with the term chosen by my team member, I found the peer review process easier than expected. The challenge for me during the peer review was to look at the definitions from a perspective of a non-technical audience. Looking at my own peer review, and recognizing the strengths and weaknesses in my assignment, I was able to recognize the positive points as well as some suggestive changes for my team member. During the peer review process, I was also able to refresh my memory on some other methods of expanded definition used by my team member. This process allowed myself and my team members to provide constrictive feedback to each other and allowed us an opportunity to learn new terms as well as a chance to make changes and improve our definitions.

Revision Process

After reviewing my peer assessment, I found the constructive feedback to be very helpful. It helped me acknowledge the mistakes I had overlooked such as using dental jargon that I once again assumed was common language. I also had an opportunity to rephrase my parenthetical definition as my first draft had similarities between parenthetical and sentence definition. Peer review allowed me to see how well an individual who is considered a non-technical audience to understand the term defined in my assignment. My team member also provided me with positive feedback which has encouraged me to be proud of the work I have completed. Overall, this assignment has expanded my knowledge in many ways, and I am excited to learn and enhance my writing skills in the upcoming lessons.

Definitions Assignment, revised – Rida

Peer Review for Rida