Business Ethics and Responsibility

When we talk about business ethics, a successful company’s major responsibilities are to provide reasonable wages, job security and maximum profit while obeying the law. However, some businesses tend to ignore morality to make a better profit due to the pressure of competition. For example, the disregard of safety procedures to chase temporary “efficient” production is seen as an unethical practice.

Bangladesh factory collapse

Consider the Savar factory collapse happened in 2013. The factory owners have threatened the employee’s safety in order to cut costs and obtain benefits. Such unethical decision resulted in 96 deaths and more than 1,000 injuries, with a massive amount of profit loss as result. This is a good example which reflects on how essential ethical integrity is for a business to operate successfully. Cutting costs and applying sweatshop labor may lead to an increase in profit temporarily; yet as the Bangladesh misconduct has performed, unethical practices could eventually lead to business decline, damage in reputation, internal collapse and even bankruptcy. In general, companies and industries with high ethical standards could be more instrumental for a business success.


Engel, Pamela. “Bangladesh Factory Disasters Will Become ‘More And More’ Common” Business Insider Business Insider Inc. , 24 Apr. 2013. Web. 9 Sept. 2014.

AP 24 Apr.2013. Web. 9 Sept. 2014. <>.

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