The society of reluctant dreamers, Agualusa

The society of reluctant dreamers, Agualusa

I Think this book could be considered surrealist because it brings things that are not real into reality, in the way that Daniel is able to speak with different people throughout his dreams which is a thing I enjoyed a lot. Another thing I liked is how you can tell this book is much more modern than other ones we have read, due to it talking about events that as said in the lecture video did not take place a long time ago. But also there are things in the book that point to a world much closer to how it is today rather than books that were written many years ago, which is a thing that made this novel more interesting to me. 

I was amazed by the idea of a machine that is able to represent dreams as I believe that is something that we are far from being able to develop in the real world and that brings us back to surrealism and how Agualusa plays with these things and stuff that happened in the real world. This idea of having a story that is involved in some way with stuff that happened in the real world it’s something that we have seen before in both Amulet from Bolaño and  Soldiers of Salamis from Cercas. This idea of having history mixed with other things to make a different story I believe works quite well and I like it a lot. Especially in this book with the addition of what I believe is surrealism. 

Overall I think the story line from this book could be the best one we have seen so far as it involves a mix of things like history, a fictional story and the addition of dreams which I think is a thing all of us experience but that has so many things that can be explored about them  and I think Agualusa manage to take advantage of this perfectly. Even though I watched the lecture video I felt a little too out of context in some of the things that were happening through the book with all of the war in Angola. And I think I would like to have more knowledge about the topic before I read the book but overall I enjoyed this novel. 

My question for this week is if you were able to relate anything from this novel to the novel we have read before in the semester and if so, what?

1 thought on “The society of reluctant dreamers, Agualusa

  1. nier zhang

    The first novels that came to my mind were Louis Aragon, Paris Peasant, they both talked about war, but at a different time. They all seem to be describing a kind of spiritual world, one is related to dreams, the other is letting their thoughts travel through the streets of Paris. Although the connection is very reluctant, but this book is the first thing that comes to my mind


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