My Brilliant Friend – Elena Ferrante

This week I chose to read my Brilliant Friends. I really enjoyed this week’s reading and can say that it was really interesting to me. I felt that the story flowed really well and it was a pretty captivating story. I did think that some parts dragged on a little more than they should have, but nonetheless, it was overall a good story.

I found so many different themes in the text which I think is why I found myself to be so intrigued. Firstly, the relationships and the dynamics between characters shifting were really descriptive and entertaining. Through Lila and Elena’s relationship, in even just the years outlined there were so many struggles, yet the reader could almost feel the bond that they had. As well, although outlined a large portion of their lives, the text still came across as almost a coming-of-age novel in the sense that readers see these two friends grow and go through experiences together. i think this added some relatability to the text.

This is something else I really liked about the novel, I feel that Ferrante did a really great job of conveying emotions to the readers through the text and storyline. One part that I found especially true was when Lila was not able to go to school, while Elena was. I think that this really helped the reader to understand the background of the two girl’s relationship. As well, when Elena seems to be almost jealous over Lila’s looks when she starts to prosper. I think that this really showed the emotion in growing up together with a friend as they change, and again, I think almost all readers were able to feel those emotions.

Overall, I really enjoyed the text, I felt really interested in it and could not think of a better book to end the semester on! My question this week is, given the different strengths and weaknesses outlined of the two girls, did you find yourself relating to one more than the other? Do you think that this might have been a reason for Ferrante creating such a contrast between the two characters?


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5 Responses to My Brilliant Friend – Elena Ferrante

  1. jaisleen thind

    Hi! I like your blog post and I want to agree with you that the relationship between Lila and Elena is what kept the novel interesting. The complexity makes for more entertainment for the audience. The emotions that take place during the novel are intense and I agree with you that they are felt by the reader! – Jaisleen Thind

  2. daelyn wagner

    To answer your question, I definitely would say that I found myself relating more to Elena because of her constant need for competition. Throughout childhood I used to be obsessed with competing and always needed to be better than others.

  3. abigail franceschetti

    Hi! I think that you pose a really good question. I think I find myself relating to both characters, but for different reasons. Maybe this is also a contributing factor to why Ferrante decided to make such a strong contrast between the two! Sometimes I find myself working a lot & quietly to be better, but some other days I find myself like Lila, being a bit hard-headed and stubborn (hehe). Although they are written quite differently and contrast each other, I find that they too have similarities that we can see. I suppose good literature does this sort of thing.

  4. ChiaraDissanayake


    Thanks for an interesting blog post! I think your question is a good one that provides us with something to think about. Personally I don’t know if I relate to one over the other, because there are bits of personality, reactions and overall experiences in both girls that I can identify or empathise with and I think it’s intriguing to look at a character and spot pieces of yourself you perhaps weren’t even aware made up some of who you are.

  5. Tierra

    Hey! I really like your post, and I agree that Elena and Lila’s relationship and the emotions they felt were described really well throughout the novel. I thought they had a very complex relationship that was interesting to understand.

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