GM uses Socia Media to reverse situation

GM has been going through troubled times lately, especially seeing as how everyone has been focusing on their file for bankruptcy.  Obviously, it is never good for any company if the media is concentrating solely on its negative aspects, so GM devised a plan to use social media to reverse the situation and focus attention on their products rather than their problems.

The plan is further detailed here:, but essentially what GM has done is they have flooded social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Youtube with positive info concerning their products, such as video clips showcasing the improvements to their car safety and security system.

I think that this is a very good marketing idea, as social media just continues to grow larger and larger, and if they can garner a positive image on these websites then it should really help them gain popularity and redirect the public’s focus on their bankruptcy.  Since the implementation of this plan, GM has emerged from bankruptcy and is starting to look much healthier financially.  When used correctly, social media can generate a lot of positive buzz, which leads to the generation of income.

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