Comm 296 Introduction

My name is Robbie Hall and the reason why I’m taking this course is because it is a required course I have to take in order pass my second year at Sauder.  I am somewhat interested in what marketing is all about, but I would be lying if I said that I would take this course as an elective.  I have a small amount of job experience in marketing, as I have run my own piano teaching business and I had to charge fees and create a learning environment that would effectively attract customers.  I don’t really have a favorite advertisement, but if I had to pick one I would choose the famous Budweiser “Wassup” commercial from over 1999, as it’s the most memorable commercial that I have ever seen.

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Budweiser’s famous “Wassup” commercial

Finally, two unique things about me are that I love to play and listen to music, and I absolutely adore animals, especially dogs.


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