Advertisements must be immediately attention-grabbing

I find that in an age where we are constantly bombarded with marketing efforts it has become very easy to quickly recognize advertisements and immediately tune out their messages.  Just like with many things in life, such as parental nagging and reminders to complete chores and homework, constant repetition leads to many people simply tuning out and ignoring what they have just heard or seen.  Our brains can only take in so much.

This is why I believe it is so important to begin all advertisements with something strange/funny/eye-catching.  In the following ad, the audience will probably tune out within the first five seconds, as it begins the same way many other ads do: a standard boring family eating dinner in a standard, boring room.

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This stale scenario is played out in countless advertisements, and could therefore be categorized in many potential consumer’s minds as a “standard advertisement”.  Obviously, the marketers behind the product do no want their product to be viewed like this; they want it to be perceived as new, interesting or useful.

This next advertisement is a good example of an strong, attention-grabbing opening.

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Not only is the commercial very funny overall, but it has an obnoxious beginning that ensures that the audience will actually be paying attention to what is being said, thus allowing the audience to absorb the message.

In conclusion, I believe that the most important aspect of creating a successful advertisement is to create a strong and original opening, otherwise the viewer tunes out and the rest of the message is lost.

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