
Header and background image taken by Ron Caswell

The information that this blog is based on came from these sources:

Anderson C. N. K., Hsieh C., Sandin S. A., Hewitt R., Hollowed A., Beddington J., May R. M. & Sugihara G. (2008) Why fishing magnifies fluctuations in fish abundance. Nature, 452, 835-839.

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Hannah R.W. & Rankin P.S. (2011) Site fidelity and movement of eight species of Pacific rockfish at a high-relief rocky reef on the Oregon Coast. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 31, 483-494.

Haggarty D. (2013) Rockfish conservation areas in B.C.: Our current state of knowledge. David Suzuki Foundation, Vancouver.

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Moser H. G. & Boehlert G. W. (1991) Ecology of pelagic larvae and juveniles of the genus Sebastes. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 30, 203-224.

Parker S. J., Berkeley S. A., Golden J. T., Gunderson D. R., Heifetz J., Hixon M. A., Larson R., Leaman B. M., Love M. S., Musick J. A., O’Connell V. M., Ralston S., Weeks H. J. & Yoklavich M. M. (2000) Management of Pacific Rockfish. Fisheries, 25, 22-30.

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Yamanaka K. & Logan G. (2010) Developing British Columbia’s inshore rockfish conservation strategy. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science, 2, 28-46.


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