
Doblas VG, Amorim-Silva V, Posé D, Rosado A, Esteban A, Arró M, Azevedo H, Bombarely A, Borsani O, Valpuesta V, Ferrer A, Tavares RM, Botella MA. The Arabidopsis E3 Ubiquitin Ligase SUD1 is a positive regulator of the 3-hydroxy-3methylglutaryl Coenzime A Reductase (HMGR) activity. Plant Cell. 2013; 25: 728–743. Faculty of 1000 Recommended Article.

Rosado A*, Li R*, van de Ven W, Hsu E, Raikhel NV. Arabidopsis ribosomal proteins control developmental programs through translational regulation of auxin response factors. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 2012; 109: 19537-19544.*Equal contributors. Faculty of 1000 Recommended Article.

Lima-Silva V, Rosado A, Amorin-Silva V, Muñoz-Mérida A, Pons C, Bombarely A, Trelles O, Fernández-Muñoz R, Granell A, Valpuesta V, and Botella MA. Genetic and Genome-Wide Transcriptomic Analyses Identify Oxidative Response and Hormone Gene expression Co-regulated with Vitamin C Content in Tomato Fruit. BMC Genomics. 2012; 13: 187 Highly Accessed Article.

Lakhssassi N, Doblas VG, Rosado A, Esteban Del Valle A, Posé D, Jimenez AJ, Castillo AG, Valpuesta V, Borsani O, Botella MA. The Arabidopsis thaliana TETRATRICO PEPTIDE THIOREDOXIN-LIKE gene family is required for osmotic stress tolerance and male sporogenesis. Plant Physiol. 2012; 158: 1252-1266

Rosado A*, Hicks GR*, Norambuena L, Rogachev I, Meir S, Pourcel L, Zouhar J, Brown MQ, Boirsdore MP, Puckrin RS, et al., Sortin1 Hypersensitive Mutants Link Vacuolar Trafficking Defects and Flavonoid Metabolism in Arabidopsis Vegetative Tissues. Chem. Biol. 2011; 18: 187-197. *Equal contributors.

Rosado A and Raikhel, NV. Understanding plant vacuolar trafficking from a systems biology perspective. Plant Physiol. 2010; 154: 545-550.

Rosado A and Raikhel NV. Application of the Gene Dosage Balance Hypothesis to Arabidopsis Ribosomal Complexes. Plant Signal. Behav. 2010; 5: 450-452

Rosado A, Sohn EJ, Drakakaki G, Pan S, Swidergal A, Xiong Y, Kang BH, Bressan RA, Raikhel NV. Auxin-Mediated Ribosomal Biogenesis Regulates Vacuolar Trafficking in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 2010; 22: 143-158.

Agee AE, Surpin M, Sohn EJ, Girke T, Rosado A, Kram BW, Carter C, Wentzell AM, Kliebenstein DJ, Jin HC, Park OK, Jin H, Hicks GR, Raikhel NV. MODIFIED VACUOLE PHENOTYPE1 is an Arabidopsis myrosinase-associated protein involved in endomembrane protein trafficking. Plant Physiol. 2010; 152: 120-132.

Posé D, Castanedo I, Borsani O, Nieto B, Rosado A, Taconnat L, Ferrer A, Dolan L, Valpuesta V, Botella MA.Identification of the Arabidopsis dry2/sqe1-5 mutant reveals a central role for sterols in drought tolerance and regulation of reactive oxygen species. Plant J. 2009; 59: 63-76.

Schapire AL, Voigt B, Jasik J, Rosado A, Lopez-Cobollo R, Menzel D, Salinas J, Mancuso S, Valpuesta V, Baluska F, Botella MA. Arabidopsis synaptotagmin 1 is required for the maintenance of plasma membrane integrity and cell viability. Plant Cell. 2008; 20: 3374-3388. Faculty of 1000 Recommended Article.

Inan G, Goto F, Jin JB, Rosado A, Koiwa H, Shi H, Hasegawa PM, Bressan RA, Maggio A, Li X. Isolation and characterization of shs1, a sugar-hypersensitive and ABA-insensitive mutant with multiple stress responses. Plant Mol. Biol. 2007; 65: 295-309.

Rosado A, Schapire AL, Bressan RA, Harfouche AL, Hasegawa PM, Valpuesta V, Botella MA. The Arabidopsis tetratricopeptide repeat-containing protein TTL1 is required for osmotic stress responses and abscisic acid sensitivity. Plant Physiol. 2006; 142: 1113-1126.

Rosado A, Amaya I, Valpuesta V, Cuartero J, Botella MA, Borsani O. ABA- and ethylene-mediated responses in osmotically stressed tomato are regulated by the TSS2 and TOS1 loci. J. Exp. Bot. 2006; 57: 3327-3335.

Rubio L*, Rosado A*, Linares-Rueda A, Borsani O, García-Sánchez MJ, Valpuesta V, Fernández JA, Botella MA. Regulation of K+ transport in tomato roots by the TSS1 locus. Implications in salt tolerance. Plant Physiol. 2004; 134: 452-459. *Equal contributors.

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