Teaching as Research

During one of my TA postings in APSC 182, I led the implementation of a two-stage group midterm, a practice not previously employed in that course, and the study yielded interesting results. To further investigate my intervention and its potential impacts on the students’ performance, I applied for and was awarded a Teaching-as-Research (TAR) grant to lead a subsequent study. In my TAR project that I conducted under the supervision of Dr. Potvin (an instructor in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering and the Chair of the Applied Science program in Vantage College), I investigated the international students’ perception of collaborative group exams and its impact on their learning. The full proposal for this study is available upon request. Briefly, based on the findings of this study; international students taking collaborative exam found communication in English as both a challenge and an advantage for the intervention and indicated that despite the competitive nature of their first-year program they would still want to write exams collaborative. The results of this study were peer reviewed and  accepted for publication into the proceedings of the in the Canadian Engineering Education Association Annual Conference 2019. Apart from the educational research experiences I have accumulated through this pilot project; I truly believe this project has helped me to develop quantitative data analysis skills and identify measurable outcomes as well as analyzing survey-based data and conducting thematic analysis of qualitative statements.