Teaching and TA experience

I have been involved in several teaching activities in the form of teaching assistantships and instructorships. These activities are listed in the table below with the details of my responsibilities and performance further discussed in the following sections.

Position type Course Number of years
Teaching Assistant CHBE365 4 (2016-2020)
APSC182 2 (2017 & 2018)
BMEG210 3 (2018-2020)
BMEG250 2 (2019 & 2020)
Workshop Teacher MATH 100 1 (2020)
Senior Teaching Assistant BMEG372 1 (2020)
BMEG 102 1 (2020)
Instructor VSP: Intro to Biological Engineering 2 (2017 & 2018)
FGL: Intro to Biological Engineering 1 (2019-2020)
Peer tutor AMS tutoring services: Math and Physics 4 (2015-2018)